May 20, 2013

Let's Get Real {Blogging Challenge Day 20}

Today in the Blog Every Day in May challenge, let's get real.

Day 20: Get Real. Share something you're struggling with right now.

Well, there are quite a few things I'm struggling with. Not that my life is so difficult...I just feel that I always have things on my plate, and things I'm juggling.

Right now, I am struggling big time with weight loss. I just don't have the motivation. There was a point where I loved going to the gym, and I wouldn't eat anything without counting the points. But life happens...a baby happens. And here I am, putting my weight as a last priority. I'll get there-mainly because I remember what it feels like to be thin, and I want to be in that place again! 
I just need to start...

  What are you struggling with?

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