May 08, 2013

My Advice to YOU {Blogging Challenge Day 8}

So, when reading through the topics for Blog Every Day in May challenge, I became anxious when I got to this topic...

Day 8: A piece of advice you have for others

I've been thinking on this one for a while. How should I answer this? From a nurse perspective? A mother's perspective? Friend? Sister?

So here goes nothin'...My advice to you:

Get to know yourself

 On a personal level...I see far too many women dive headfirst into a relationship (or even friendship) that runs its course, then ends...with said woman heartbroken. Then what? You're left trying to figure out where things went wrong, and trying to determine who you really are. Please, get to know yourself on a personal level. Find out who you are by yourself before committing to someone else.

On a physical level... As a nurse, I see and hear a lot. I hate it when people are clueless about their own body, or refuse to comply with medical advice. I'm not suggesting you go to WebMD or Dr. Google to self-diagnose your ADHD. But please...understand how your body works, so when things go wrong, you know it. 

On an intellectual level...You're smarter than you think. Don't be afraid to be smart. You are capable of a lot more than you ever thought possible. Remember as a child when adults (and Sesame Street) would tell you that you could do anything if you put your mind to it? Well, within reason, it's true. There are going to be setbacks. There are always setbacks. But get to know your smart self and figure out how to reach your goals!

On a spiritual level...This is a big, bad world and you need some help. I don't see how people go through life without praying to a higher power. I'll leave my own personal choices out of it for now, and just advise that you believe in something that is bigger than you. How can you not?

For me (and probably most), all of these are a work in progress. But I try to make it a priority to know myself...on all levels.
So, on what level are you getting to know yourself?


  1. Thanks for sharing your advice - always important to remind oneself about those very items. Your blog is adorable!!!

  2. It has just recently 'clicked' for me how important understanding myself is before committing myself and time to friendships and relationships. It's no fun being left feeling broken when these sorts of things don't work out because you simply don't know who you are and who that is, is too different from who you're involving youself with. Thank you for sharing this, it's all important advice.

    1. Thanks for your comment! I don't think we can underestimate the importance of knowing ourselves before venturing out into the world! And you are so right about who you involve yourself with-what an important aspect.
