May 19, 2013

Playing Catch up {Blogging Challenge Days 14 and 15}

Wow, I am super behind on our challenge! 
It all started with a sinus infection...then there was a bad reaction to an antibiotic, and now I'm on the mend! I basically fell of the face of the earth for a short time.

Day 14: Ten things that make you really happy. I realize this list isn't super creative, but it's what makes me happy : )

1. Coffee
2. Breakfast
3. A good book
4. A clean house
5. Cuddles from Peyton (so rare these days)
6. Naptime
7. Popcorn
8. Pedicures
9. My family
10. My friends 

Day 15: A Day in the Life

Since my days at home aren't unique, I will give you a little taste of my days at work!

5:00am- Alarm goes off and I snooze
5:10- Alarm goes off again and I force myself out of bed. A whole 7 hours of sleep! I throw on some makeup and my scrubs.

6:00am- I sit down to pump, which makes me suuuper tired again. 
6:15am- I finish up pumping, fix my breakfast, coffee, and lunch. 
6:30am- I run through my mental checklist of things I need for my 13 hours away from home, then leave for work. I think about how thankful I am that I only live 5 miles away from work.

6:45am- I get to work, put away all my stuff, then settle down to get report on my patients.
7:30am- After report, I check my charts.
8:00am- I begin rounds.
 *From here, my work day is pretty unpredictable. I usually chart after I make rounds, which takes me about 30 minutes per couplet. If I'm discharging a patient, add an hour of work. If I get an admission, that's another hour of work.

Around 1:30pm- I eat lunch in the pump room...time for more milking!

7:00pm- I stagger into the report room, so happy to see the next shift come in. It's been a long day!
 7:30pm- I start the process of leaving; if my patients are being especially needy that day, I might not leave until 8:00pm.

~8:15pm- I drag myself into the house. My WONDERFUL husband hands me dinner and a baby. I eat while nursing P, then tuck her in. Her bedtime is usually 7:30, but if she doesn't stay up a little late, I won't see her at all that day!

I wash pump parts, pack lunch for tomorrow, and shower.
10:00pm- I fall into bed, set my alarm for 5:00am, and thank God that I only have to do this 3 days a week :)

First day of work after maternity leave

Hope you enjoyed our day!

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