August 15, 2014

Bean Bumpdate: 34 Weeks

We are getting so close!

34 Weeks:

What's New: I had some pretty serious contractions yesterday at home. I knew I was dehydrated so I sat down and chugged some water and they went away. Thank goodness....I need these remaining 6 weeks :)
Last week, I enjoyed celebrating Bean with my co-workers who were so sweet to throw me a baby shower! Our case manager is due the day before me, so we had a joint shower, and it was perfect. It's so fun to have someone at work to compare notes with.

 Ronnie is expecting another daughter! I have enjoyed guessing Bean's gender based on our similar experiences with these pregnancies

What's Old: Still lots of pressure, making 13 hour shifts difficult. Otherwise, I feel fabulous!

Baby: Around 5 lbs and 18 inches-the size of a butternut squash. It's hard to tell if this kiddo is still head down because of all of the movement! I'm hoping so...

Gender: HR 150's again at the doctor. Most people are saying boy...with a few stragglers predicting girl. We will see all too soon!

Belly: Growing and growing! I love seeing Bean moving and shaking in there. Measuring on track!

Cravings: FRUIT. I think I'm becoming more thirsty, so fruits like melons and pineapples are especially satisfying.

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