November 05, 2014

Eliza {One Month}

And just like that..our little Eliza Cate is one month old. Time is, as usual, flying by. I am really trying to stop and cherish each little moment with her!

One month old

 Eating: About every 3 hours, but we still have random days of growth spurts where Bean is hungry constantly. The longest stretch has been 5.5 hours.

Sleeping: Oh yeah...this is what it's like to have a newborn again! It seems that Eliza has more digestive issues than Peyton did (spitting up, gas) so each night, I am up with her for about 45 minutes feeding/burping/settling. On "bad" nights, she sleeps for about 30 minutes then begins grunting, then wakes herself up. And the whole process begins again!
Her longest stretch of sleep is typically early night (~8pm) when she might go 5-6 hours! So, if I want to take advantage of it, it's an 8pm bedtime for me too. No shame here! As exhausting as this is, I know too soon that she will be walking and talking and not interested in cuddling.

Skills: Focusing on something, and starting to track! She's advanced ; )
I am convinced she smiled at me...then she passed gas. I'll keep trying!

Happy Times: Pretty much all the time! She is a content baby who loves to sit and observe. I call her "quietly curious".

Unhappy Times: She fusses when she's hungry and sleepy. And grunts when she's gassy or trying to break out of her swaddle!

Stats: 10 lbs, 2 oz (up 2 pounds in 2 weeks!); Wearing newborn and some 0-3 month clothing

Eliza Bean,
You are such a wonderful addition to our family! I am really enjoying getting to know you, and I'm eager to see your little personality begin to blossom. It's precious to see how much Peyton adores you, and I can already tell you love her. Thank you thank you for being such a good baby thus far...let's keep it up, ok?
We love you bunches!

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