March 09, 2015

Eliza {Five Months}

Our baby is growing bigger and bigger! She still has a quietly curious personality and is a super happy baby :)

Five months old

Eating: Our little piggy still enjoys eating. She nurses about every 3 1/2 hours during the day, and takes about 4 oz while I'm at work. We haven't begun solid foods yet, but will probably start them later this month. I'm also considering baby led weaning this time.

Sleeping: WOW...that 4 month regression was a little rough, but we are seeing some improvement in the last 2 weeks. Eliza typically goes to bed around 8:30pm and wakes around 7:30am with one feeding at night (usually sleeping an 8 hour stretch). There are some nights that she still wakes randomly and needs help transitioning back to sleep, but I don't feed her more than once...and I am trying hard to wean her from that too :)
Naps are decent and usually last 1 1/2 hours with a 30 or 45 minute nap sometimes. Our little Bean stays up for 3 hour stretches in the evening.

Skills: I am still amazed at how well this kiddo manipulates a toy. It's so fun to watch her shake, squeeze, and (mostly) chew on her toys. She barrel rolls all over the floor to get where she needs to go and is starting to sit up. This girl has a strong grip and everything goes into her mouth!

Happy Times: Um, all the time! I'm so relieved to have a happy baby! She spends most of her time on the playmat rolling around, in her jumperoo, or laughing at big sister. She loves to play with the kitty cat, too.

Unhappy Times: Eliza still has a bit of "stranger anxiety" and it's about the only time she cries hard. She fusses when she's tired, but goes to sleep without much trouble :)


Stats: We didn't have a doctor's appointment this month, but our scale at home says 16.4 pounds. Eliza is wearing mostly 9 month clothing.

Hi Boo Boo,
You have become such a fun little one. I love watching you smile and laugh at your big sister. I am trying to enjoy each little moment with you because soon, you will be too busy to cuddle with Momma. Keep smiling sweet girl.

Always moving!

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