March 13, 2015

Five on Friday

{ONE} Warmer temperatures.
Yeah the fall I''m excited about cooler temps and now I'm longing for warmer days. Too much of one extreme and I'm just ready for a change :) Let's enjoy the mildly warm temps for now. And somebody slap me if I am ever complaining about it being too hot this summer!

{TWO} Telestrations.
I recently discovered this game: it's like a cross between Pictionary and the Telephone game. It's great family fun with older kiddos, or it can be a fun adult game too! I'm always laughing when I play...and bonus points if you are not a good artist-perfect for me!

{THREE} Northern Parentals.
They are here for a visit! It's been 3 months since we've seen them...which feels like an eternity. We get to spend over 2 weeks catching up :)

{FOUR} Landscaping.
We are about to completely redo our front flower beds. I've spent hours researching the best plants, trees, and flowers for our area and sketching out the design. I'm excited to begin putting our plans into action (but not until after April 15, right gardeners?). I'm having visions of daylilies, iris, cherry trees, and gardenias.

{FIVE} Pi Day 2015.
Tomorrow is the "Utlimate Pi Day" and the nerd in me is a little bit excited. Once in a lifetime: 3.141592653
Pretty cool right?

Enjoy your weekend, friends! I'll be working...

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