April 27, 2015

Recap: Easter Weekend

Yup...I realize Easter was 3 weeks ago, but y'all things have just been so busy lately. I can't even say specifically what it is, but I know we've been on the go constantly.

I had to work Easter weekend, but one of the benefits of working nights is that I was still able to spend a little time with the family pre and post nap :)

My precious P on Easter morning

After a nap, I was able to join the family and watch the kiddos hunt for eggs. They were completely adorable, of course.
Sweet cousins

I could not possibly love them more

I knew I would not have the energy to cook a huge meal, so I made Pioneer Woman's Scalloped Potatoes and Ham Casserole. That Ree. I just love her.

As the sun was setting, we headed over to Ella's house for a nighttime Easter egg hunt! Glow Sticks+Easter eggs= so much fun for little ones!

I love this time of year...renewal, resurrection, and warmer weather! ;)

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