May 26, 2015

Diggin in the Dirt

It was definitely time for some more landscaping, and what better way to spend gorgeous spring days than digging in the dirt?! OK, I'll admit-I'm not really a fan of gardening, but Ben and I recently spent two FULL days completing a major overhaul of our front flower beds. I am very pleased with the way they turned out, and I'm looking forward to being able to add seasonal color every few months now that the base features are in.

Peyton "helping" Daddy level the beds. We later recruited a babysitter so we could work without too much interruption help

In the right flower bed, we relocated 3 Indian Hawthorne bushes and a Gardenia; Planted a Snow Fountain Weeping Cherry tree, a group of Daylillies, and a Monkey Grass border.

In the left bed, we relocated 3 Azalea bushes; Planted another group of Daylillies, Petunias, and even more monkey grass. That's 120 monkey grass plants, y'all. But they do make such a pretty border!

Nothing like teaching kiddos how to care for something and watch it grow :)
Happy Spring!

This is what our beds looked like when we first moved in!

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