January 18, 2016

The 5 Things I've Learned as a Mom of Two


Becoming a parent for the first time comes with a fair share of lessons: How do I sleep train? When do I start solids? POTTY TRAINING?!

Being a parent to 2 children comes with a completely different set of lessons. Life lessons. Here's what I learned in my first year as a mother to two:

1. Let it Go. With one child, it's still possible to keep a clean house, plan healthy meals, and enjoy a little down time. Add a second child and it's just not feasible. There's no use in struggling to do it all either. So just embrace the mess!

2. This Too Shall Pass. Teething/Sick/Fussy baby that wakes up every. hour. of. the. night. Clingy baby that will not let you put her down. Toddler that suddenly refuses to eat anything.
These things can send a first time parent over the edge! But know that it is just a phase and will be over soon. You have lived through it once before and you can do it again!

3. Do Your Best. Stop agonizing over every decision you make for your child. Some choices will be right and some will be wrong. Very wrong. Accept it, learn from it, and move on. Parenting is not easy but you're doing the best you can!

4. Cherish the Moments. Everyone tells you "they grow so fast" and you know it, but it's still hard to really appreciate it. Probably because you're worried about keeping up with the house, stressing over baby's newest phase or agonizing over the parenting decisions you've made! Take some time out and enjoy your children! Play with them.

5. Take Care of Yourself. How easy it is to lose yourself in all of the wonders of parenthood. Find your identity in something besides being a parent. Take some time out for you- a hobby, a pedicure, go to the gym. If you don't take care of yourself first, you cannot give your best to your family.

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