November 01, 2016

A Halloween full of Emotions

Our obsession with the movie Inside Out has extended to our Halloween! In very early August, Peyton announced that she wanted us to dress as Inside Out characters. We took a family vote, and decided we could make it happen.
Since there aren't enough of us to make all 5 emotions, we got a little creative with other characters.

Meet: Riley, Joy, Sadness, and Bing Bong!

In the morning, we watched Peyton in her school parade, and enjoyed her class party.

 I love it when our family and friends all come together for Halloween!

Bing Bong giving Sadness a ride in his rocketship

I just had to include this photo- we call it "Sadness After-Party" haha

I hope you all had a wonderful Halloween! We are already brainstorming for next year :)

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