February 18, 2011

Fitness Friday

Well, I promised to give you the good and bad... so here goes: 

My Top Ten Diet Don'ts

10. Don't weigh everyday. I know some people would disagree here, but I think fluctuations in daily weight aren't always a reflection of diet and exercise. There are lots of things that can affect weight. Pick one day a week to weigh, preferably in the morning.

9. Don't lose sleep. I am definitely struggling in this department, but that's night shift work for ya!

8. Don't go looking for the hidden box of Valentine's chocolates in the house.

7. Don't forget to drink plenty of water. Often, you may think you are hungry, when really you are just thirsty!

6. Don't skip breakfast! You've always heard it's the most important meal of the day...still true : )

5. Don't deprive yourself. If you continue to tell yourself you can't have this or that, you will reach a breaking point and eat the whole package of Oreos. 

4. Don't make it your goal to be "skinny". Consider your healthy weight based on either BMI or Waist to Hip ratio.

3. Don't forget to stock up on healthy foods in the house. If your house is stocked with good fruits and veggies, you are more likely to go for this rather than chips and cookies.

2. Don't make a goal to get to the gym everyday (unless it's attainable!). Consider other ways to get your heart rate up, like taking the dog for a run or avoiding elevators!

1. Don't eat Sal's pizza the night before your weigh-in while catching up on DVR shows in  your pj's. 


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