June 20, 2011

Happy Father's/Birth DAY!

On Sunday, I invited my family over to celebrate Father's Day and my Mom's birthday! I made lasagna (Mom's recipe-no pressure!) and we enjoyed birthday cake & ice cream! After dinner, we opened some gifts and visited on our back porch. I have been working on a project for my Dad and was so excited to finally see him open it!

                                               Picture frame from Ikea:

                                                      Letters in progress:

Mom brought the girls over to my house, and we snapped some pictures! We narrowed it down to three we liked best:

                                                      The final product:

I think it turned out great, and Dad loved it!

Our pretty gift table. I displayed my Mom's Write Plate and it was quite a surprise when she realized it was hers and not mine!

I love spending time with my family, and it was great to celebrate two AMAZING people!

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