June 24, 2011

Fitness Friday

The girls came over last night to have dinner and spend the night so the parents could go on a date to enjoy their 27th year anniversary!!
In the spirit of home buying, we are trying to be resourceful at meal time (rather than picking a recipe, then buying ingredients for it). I haven't been to the grocery store in a while, so our options were limited. Ben says How about burgers? Hmmm...no ground beef, no burger buns. BUT! We have ground turkey and sandwich thins...this could work. 

  • 3 pounds ground turkey
  • 1/4 cup seasoned bread crumbs
  • 1/4 cup finely diced onion
  • 2 egg whites, lightly beaten
  • 1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley
  • 1 clove garlic, peeled and minced
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper

  1. In a large bowl, mix ground turkey, seasoned bread crumbs, onion, egg whites, parsley, garlic, salt, and pepper. Form into 12 patties.
  2. Cook the patties in a medium skillet over medium heat, turning once, to an internal temperature of 180 degrees F (85 degrees C)
**I scaled it down to 1lb of meat and also added some worcesteshire**

We didn't let the girls know they were turkey burgers until they were about halfway through. Everyone loved them (even Ben). I think next time I might actually go to the store just to pick up an avocado to top it off. YUM!

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