June 27, 2011

Life Lessons

My sister, Laurel, lives in a world of all things pretty. She is so excited about life, and it's contagious. Her life-long goal: To see a real rainbow. 
Keep Looking Up There May Be A Rainbow Waiting For by elissahudson
I was on my way home from work last night-a thunderstorm had just passed through, and the sun was beginning to set. As I turned on to my road, I saw it-the most perfect real rainbow ever. It had every color- a true Roy G. Biv-and was sprawling across the sky. I had to call my Mom. She thanked me for the tip and rushed Laurel outside. I can only imagine the squeal of surprise and excitement!
Google Image Result for http://www.insidesocal.com/friendlyfire/rainbow-too.jpg
The innocence of a child is something to learn from. When is the last time you got excited about a rainbow? When is the last time you stopped to appreciate one of nature's gifts?
I know I learn more from my baby sisters than anyone else. It's the life lessons.

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