September 16, 2011

Best Wishes for the Soon to Be MRS!

Over Labor Day weekend, I had a great time celebrating with my BFF and soon to be MRS! We kicked off the weekend with a bridal shower at Olde Blind Dog Irish Pub, a nod to Christa's heritage. Although a bit warm, we enjoyed the outdoor patio area and some delicious food! Our hostesses did an awesome job with decor and fun games, including a Spanish multiple choice quiz (Christa taught middle school Spanish).

                                                  Picture board of the bride & groom

Our beautiful bride-to-be. We were served champagne with ROCK CANDY in it-yum!

I had to capture the feather boa

Christa with her Mom and future Mother-in-Law

Ok, it was GameDay...I had to capture my UT spirit!

After the shower, we dropped gifts off, then headed to Lake Lanier for a bachelorette weekend! A few months ago, I asked Christa what type of bachelorette party she wanted, and she described a relaxing weekend on the lake with good music, food, and company.
I dedicated an entire post to the details just because I loved putting it all together!
I must admit, I was a terrible photographer that weekend. I intended to use my Mom's Nikon D90, but soon realized she needs a better flash for indoors, and my camera battery I did the best I could!

                         Ok, long day and sans makeup (can't believe I am posting these!)


                                                    I don't think she liked it

                                            We were singing MmmBop. Yup

Christa opted for a "Spice Up Their Night" shower rather than a lingerie was fun to see everyone's interpretation of the theme!

                                               Breath drops? ...something like that!          

                                                               Fun indeed

Her special blanket

We had such a fun & relaxing weekend. Christa said it was perfect and just what she needed to help her unwind and spend some quality time with the girls before the big day. It will be here before you know it!

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