March 06, 2012

26 Weeks

I felt Junebug have the hiccups for the first time this week! I probably would have missed it if I wasn't pressing around on my belly because I couldn't really feel it from the inside. It felt like a rhythmic tap against my hand. This is a great sign-means s/he is getting lots of sucking practice in and will hopefully be a great feeder!

26 Week Stats

Size: A head of lettuce (around 14 inches and 2 pounds)

New Development: Sense of hearing is improving and Bug can recognize our voices now! Ben has started talking to the belly a lot lately :)

Symptoms: I'm starting to notice that daily tasks are taking a little bit longer-like emptying the dishwasher...then I need to rest a minute before loading it. I have completely worn myself out a few times and I am learning to pace myself-at home and at work.

What I'm looking forward to: The nursery furniture has been purchased! Now we can jump into painting and finishing it! I have a very special project I'm so excited to share....soon, friends!

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