March 12, 2012

27 Weeks

As I near the end of the 2nd trimester, I am getting more and more excited-and scared! My to-do list seems to be growing along with my belly-there is so much to do.

27 Week Stats

Size: Cauliflower (About 15 inches long and 2.5lbs)

New Development: Showing brain wave activity, including different sleep cycles and dreaming! Coughing, more intense sucking (umm...hiccups!), and better "breathing"

Symptoms: Starting to become uncomfortable at night-I am rotating about every 2 hours. Junebug has been SO active the last 2 days, and I feel like my insides are a new toy for him/her!

What I'm looking forward to: Completing some tasks on my to-do list!

So there are lots of advantages to working in an OB unit-including a short walk to Labor & Delivery to have a coworker scan me! It is interesting to see pictures of Junebug at 27 weeks, because s/he is so much bigger and can barely fit in the screen! Also, because bones are more dense, it causes more shadows for a standard ultrasound. A VERY squirmy baby doesn't help either :-)

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