March 30, 2012

29 Weeks

Well, I completed my 3-hour glucose test today-it certainly wasn't the most pleasant experience. I'm not sure which was worse- the 4 venous sticks or the 3 hours of waiting in the office lobby in between. At least I got some reading done :)

29 Week Stats:

Size: Acorn Squash (around 16 inches and 3 pounds)

New Development: Brain is taking on characteristic grooves (instead of being smooth)= increased amount of brain tissue! Lanugo is starting to disappear.

Symptoms: Cankles are the name of the game, folks. My feet have love handles and it's not cute. Luckily, the swelling goes away at night, so it's mostly a result of being on my feet so much.

What I'm looking forward to: Ben is painting the nursery this weekend! (Can you believe he actually has a weekend off?! I love his new job)

I don't think I should wear white anymore...

Two sticks in each arm

March 26, 2012

Proud Wife

Sometimes, you just feel the need to brag on your husband, right?

Around the first of the year, Ben's work began a "Biggest Loser" challenge among the employees. As a manager, Ben is almost obligated to participate, but this year he decided to really take on the challenge. He decided that cutting portions and just "watching" what he ate would not be enough, so he decided to join Weight Watchers online. "Hey, if Charles Barkley can do it..."

Overall, he has lost 20 pounds (in 3 months) and continues to lose each week. What an accomplishment! I'm very excited, too, that he now understands the concept and system of WW so he can be there to support me when it's time to lose baby weight!

Another huge change in his (our!) life is a career change. After nearly 5 years of working at the country club, Ben took a new job with a great company.

Although he (we) will greatly miss all of the staff and club members, this new opportunity has excellent hours and the ability for him to work from home. This new job is truly an answered prayer for our growing family.

"Before Picture"-Ben was very offended that I was trying to find a 'fat' picture of him ;)

The last St. Paddy's event for Ben :(

His first day of work! (Also a great "after" WW picture!)
(Can you tell who buys all of his clothes? I have an unhealthy obsession with green)

I am so proud of my hubby for many things, but these achievements are huge and deserved a little extra attention!

March 24, 2012

28 Weeks

YAY-third trimester! I can't believe we are already here! My body, however, has a different story to tell. We've had a rough week...

28 Week Stats:

Size: Rutabaga (around 2 lbs and 14 inches)

New Development: Getting fatter! More developed lungs, and permanent teeth buds :D


What I'm looking forward to: Baby shower this weekend!! Yay!

My week went a little like this:
I went for my checkup and glucose tolerance test on Tuesday. I told the midwife I had been having a few braxton hicks contractions (which are totally normal "practice" contractions). With all of these new sensations, I asked her advice on when I should be concerned. "More than 8 of them in an hour, call me".

So...the next day at work was busy-I was running around like crazy, while attempting to stay hydrated. I saw my midwife on the unit (she was rounding that day) and she even commented that I needed to slow it down. Hmph. So, around came the Braxton Hicks. Or wait...? They were a lot stronger and pretty frequent. I sat down as soon as I could and chugged my water. It helped a little.

Around 1:30pm, I was having the contractions about every 10 minutes consistently, and they were quite strong. As an OB nurse, I felt silly because I didn't know what to do. I didn't want to make a big fuss for them to tell me it was nothing, but I also didn't want to ignore it and have a bad outcome. So...I decided to walk downstairs to L&D (another perk of my work) and talk to my midwife. She decided I should go ahead and get on a monitor.

So...after 40 minutes of this, the midwife said "Well, I'm not seeing any activity" Yes, I could have told you that. The only thing Junebug is doing now is attempting to kick these monitors off which gave him/her the hiccups! Child is making a liar out of me. She told me not to worry! "I would rather see you 50 times at 1:30 in the afternoon than once at 1:30 in the morning with a true emergency"

This...coupled with the news that I did not pass my one-hour glucose test (meaning I have to take a 3-hour test) equals a rough week for us. But I am so excited to be headed out today for my first baby shower in Chattanooga!! Wahoooo

A happy photo! Although I look like a whale :)

Sorry for all the dialogue this week...I promised to tell all!

March 12, 2012

27 Weeks

As I near the end of the 2nd trimester, I am getting more and more excited-and scared! My to-do list seems to be growing along with my belly-there is so much to do.

27 Week Stats

Size: Cauliflower (About 15 inches long and 2.5lbs)

New Development: Showing brain wave activity, including different sleep cycles and dreaming! Coughing, more intense sucking (umm...hiccups!), and better "breathing"

Symptoms: Starting to become uncomfortable at night-I am rotating about every 2 hours. Junebug has been SO active the last 2 days, and I feel like my insides are a new toy for him/her!

What I'm looking forward to: Completing some tasks on my to-do list!

So there are lots of advantages to working in an OB unit-including a short walk to Labor & Delivery to have a coworker scan me! It is interesting to see pictures of Junebug at 27 weeks, because s/he is so much bigger and can barely fit in the screen! Also, because bones are more dense, it causes more shadows for a standard ultrasound. A VERY squirmy baby doesn't help either :-)

March 06, 2012

26 Weeks

I felt Junebug have the hiccups for the first time this week! I probably would have missed it if I wasn't pressing around on my belly because I couldn't really feel it from the inside. It felt like a rhythmic tap against my hand. This is a great sign-means s/he is getting lots of sucking practice in and will hopefully be a great feeder!

26 Week Stats

Size: A head of lettuce (around 14 inches and 2 pounds)

New Development: Sense of hearing is improving and Bug can recognize our voices now! Ben has started talking to the belly a lot lately :)

Symptoms: I'm starting to notice that daily tasks are taking a little bit longer-like emptying the dishwasher...then I need to rest a minute before loading it. I have completely worn myself out a few times and I am learning to pace myself-at home and at work.

What I'm looking forward to: The nursery furniture has been purchased! Now we can jump into painting and finishing it! I have a very special project I'm so excited to share....soon, friends!

March 05, 2012

Fishin' in the Dark

Ben and I "celebrated" 9 years together as a couple on March 3rd! We agreed that we wouldn't really celebrate this anniversary anymore, but we like to at least acknowledge it. Saturday was a busy day- Ben worked half the day and I was running errands all day. We met up in the late afternoon to buy new living room furniture(!!!) and finish our errands. Neither one of us felt like cooking, so we decided on Mexican for din-din.

As we were sitting in our booth, thinking about the last nine years, the live musician began to play a song that we instantly recognized. Yep, he was playing our song from high school. I couldn't believe it-I almost fell out of the booth (except my belly was so wedged in there I don't think I could have!).

This song is not well known at all, and certainly not one you would typically hear in a Mexican restaurant! I'm not even sure why this was our song because I can assure you-we never went fishin' in the dark!

It's hard to believe we have been a couple for 9 years-so many things have happened in that span of time. And here we are...married, with a house, and expecting our first child. Could we have predicted this 9 years ago? As a matter of fact, this is exactly where we saw ourselves in 9 years. What a blessing it is!!

Junior year of high school

High School graduation

March 02, 2012

25 Weeks

We are getting closer and closer!

25 Week Stats

Size: Everything points to eggplant this week!

New Development: Baby knows which way is up and down...let's hope s/he decided to land HEAD down in the months to come! Junebug's eyes are beginning to open-meaning baby can perceive light if I shine a flashlight into my belly.

Symptoms: Apparently, I snore now. OK, fine...Ben has video evidence. This new symptom is crazy to me because I have never snored in my life. I have always been a very quiet, peaceful sleeper. Go hormones! The cankles are not so cute either (especially after working all day)

What I'm looking forward to: My first baby shower at the end of this month!