September 10, 2012

Hi Ho, Hi Ho's back to work I go!

I have had so many friends message/text/call/email me to ask how my return to work has been. I THANK YOU for all the support! It means a lot :)

I can honestly say that we are doing great! The separation from Peyton wasn't nearly as bad as I anticipated. Perhaps it's because she's 5 miles away at home with her Daddy. Perhaps it's because I was just ready to be working again. Whatever the reason, I'm glad that I am not spending my days at work miserable and moping around. 

Our biggest challenge is keeping my milk supply up. (This might be a little TMI for some folks...if so, just skip it!) Finding time to pump every 3 hours at work is hard, but I am doing it. I even have a fellow coworker who is a breastfeeding Mom and we seem to really keep each other motivated and on schedule (my "pumping partner"). There is a room on our unit just for employee breastfeeding/pumping!
The hardest part is a supply issue. I have always had an excellent milk supply-Peyton has gained weight at a good rate and is never hungry after a nursing session. However, a breast pump (even the best one) is never going to be as effective at getting milk out as a baby. So, as P is drinking 5-6 ounces at home, I am only pumping 4 ounces. Bummer. My freezer stash is quickly dwindling and I am so anxious!
I have received some great advice from the lactation nurses on my unit and I am putting a new plan into action. 

Overall, the transition back to work has been easy. I am going to work hard to keep my supply up, then I will feel much better about being away from my sweet P.

Mommy's first day of work! 
(Peyton looks thrilled, huh?)

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