September 05, 2012

Three Months

Well, here we are again. I have to say that, although it's hard to believe 3 months have passed, the last month didn't seem to go by as quickly. Maybe Father Time got my memo?
There have been so many changes in the past month that it's hard to keep up with our little P bug!

3 months old!
 It was quite a process to get pictures this month because Peyton is SO active. Every single photo I took has a blurred hand or foot :) I should have known based on the amount of activity I felt when I was pregnant!

Eating: Every 3 hours to keep on a schedule, but I think she could go 3 1/2-4 hours. At night, 6 hours or more

Sleeping: Beginning to have more 8 hour nights, which is great! Peyton usually takes a long morning nap then 30 minute naps for the rest of the day. She isn't old enough to organize her daytime sleep (so the experts say!). Although we aren't following a 'schedule', we do have structured naps (just not occurring at the same time every day!)

Favorite Toy: Hands! Peyton has definitely discovered her hands, although she doesn't always realize she can bring them up to her mouth. I often find her hunched over, trying to bring her mouth to her hands! P has also started reaching out for toys...or just about anything you put in front of her.

Happy Times: When Mommy sings, taking a bath, airplane with Daddy, watching Baby Einstein, and sitting up.

Unhappy Times: When she is overtired, frustrated because she can't sit up by herself/get to her hands, when she has a cold (currently), long trips in the car.

Stats: 13 pounds (50%) and 25 inches (90%). (These are home measurements, and an online calculator, so they may not be completely accurate!)
I have definitely noticed her getting longer, but slimmer. She has outgrown 3 month clothes and wears mostly 6 months-it is usually a little baggy but I can barely snap it in the crotch!

Birth-3 months
It doesn't look like she has changed that much physically over the last month; however, she has certainly changed developmentally. She is a lot more social and I love watching her interact with her environment.

Sweet P,
What a joy it is to be your parents! This past month has been most interesting (and sometimes challenging) as you start to develop quite the personality. You are so much fun to be around and we are excited to see what happens next. You make life sweet. Keep smiling baby girl.


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