September 04, 2012

Whirlwind Weekend

We had a very busy Labor Day weekend! I can't believe how much we packed into one weekend, but it was a wonderful distraction from the looming fact that I have to return to work this week.

We went to the Chick-fil-A kickoff game

Peyton cheered for the VOLS from home {with Grandma}

VOL family

It was nice to see our boys WIN!
Hamma & Poppa came in to town from Michigan. They brought little Annabelle with them, too! It was such a short trip but a good visit anyway.

Rowen is being sweet, sharing her mat
 Annabelle thinks she has to get in the toy box

Poppa with the grandbabies

Kenny is so sweet with Peyton

We had a little fun with Kenny (and tortured his Daddy who is a UGA fan!)

We got a good belly laugh from P

And Peyton had (has) her first cold :(

What a great last weekend of maternity leave! This week, it's off to work I go.

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