October 17, 2012

Ben takes on the world...

A few months ago, my parents asked if we could take care of the girls for a weekend in October so they could go to a wedding in Savannah. I figured it wouldn't be a big deal-Maya and Laurel are easy, and super helpful with Peyton. 
As the weekend approached, however, we realized that I had to work that weekend, and the girls' social calendar began growing. Ben assured me that he could handle it, though!

On Friday, we picked M&L up from the bus, took Maya to soccer practice, then took them to the school carnival!

Laurel on a ride

Peyton was so curious!

I ate dinner while she napped in The Moby...and accidentally spilled some queso on her head!
On Saturday, Ben took Laurel to tutoring in the morning, then Maya's soccer game in the afternoon.

Rockin the Baby Bjorn
My parents came back on Sunday afternoon, just in time for Ben to pack up and head to his Mom's house to see our fam from AZ (that's another post!)

Did I mention that Ben had to work Thursday, Friday, & Saturday night?! He did amazing!

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