October 08, 2012

Four Months

Its that time again...!
Our P bug is seriously growing like crazy! It's awesome to watch her develop and learn something new every day.

4 months old!

Eating: Still every 3 hours, but she often acts like she isn't hungry, so I think she is moving towards 4 hours. When I'm at work, she takes 5.5 oz at each feeding.

Sleeping: Bedtime is around 9pm, and Peyton wakes up at about 8:30am with one feeding at about 3:30a or 5:30a. I can't complain. She still has not organized her daytime sleep, but she is starting to become more predictable for naps. We still follow a Wake, Eat, Play, Sleep routine.

Favorite Toy: "Hoppy"- a frog that's attached to her carseat. She finally learned how to pull him! She also loves her burp cloths. Her own hands and feet are still the best!

1-4 months

Happy Times: P still loves her bath-and now tries to catch the water when I pour it! She laughs when I sing. And this child is incredibly social...she smiles at anyone new (especially if you pay her a compliment!). Peyton loves to sit up in my lap like a big girl!

Unhappy Times: She gets a little fussy when it's naptime, but other than that Peyton is a happy baby! I suspect that she has begun teething because she drools all the time, and chews on everything! So that has made her a bit irritable lately, but not bad.

At the doctor (before shots!)
Stats: 14.4 pounds (75%) and 26.5 inches (96%). Head circumference 95%
Peyton wears 6 month or 6-9 month clothing

Peyton Caroline,
  You are SO much fun now. I love having conversations with you, and although it's just babbling now, I hope that you will continue to tell me everything about life!
You have become a lot more social, and with that, a lot more opinionated. I love watching you kick your legs with excitement! We love you!


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