May 06, 2013

11 Months

Can this really be the last monthly post before my baby is one year old?! I can't even go there right now...

 11 months old

Eating: To address this category, it would be easiest to list the things Peyton doesn't like to, nothing. This child will literally eat anything I give her. She is certainly showing her preferences: mac 'n cheese over green beans, but she will clean her plate every time! She eats whatever we are eating, which makes meal time so much easier! Still nursing 2-3 times a day.

Sleeping: P bug has made some adjustments to her sleep. She has begun resisting her 2:30pm nap, and typically won't fall asleep until 4pm, then we are sure to wake her by 5:30. I don't know if it's temporary or if she is ready for one nap a day...oh please let this be temporary!!

Peyton's new "sign" for 'all done' with my food...Rowen is in heaven

Teeth: Peyton is currently cutting a top tooth. She has been way more irritable than last time she was teething, so I assume that more than one tooth is coming in. Tylenol is a friend. Perhaps this is to blame for the napping issues. 

Favorite Toys: Little lady is entertained by almost anything I hand her, but books are always guaranteed to keep her attention for a while. Peyton just adores books and pointing to objects she recognizes. 

Skills: Miss P is on the move! She is cruising all over the place, and loves to explore the house. She is still pretty unsteady, so I don't see her walking alone any time soon. P is a very chatty girl, and can say Daddy (her favorite), kitty, cat, ball, hi, Mama, eye and we are working on duck and frog. 


 Happy Times: Peyton has become a lot more independent these days (thank goodness!) and she just loves cruising and crawling all over the house. She has discovered cabinets and all the goodies inside! She LOVES our cat, and yells "kitty!" whenever she sees her. P still loves the water, and shrieks with delight every time we go to swim lessons. 

Unhappy Times: Being told 'no' is never a fun time....especially when the distraction technique doesn't work! Peyton actually threw her first temper tantrum the other day...I was torturing her changing her diaper, which she was protesting. When I finished, P scurried away from me, then turned on her back and kicked her legs and screamed. Wow. I didn't even know what to do. My bug is usually a happy baby, but she certainly has an attitude at times!

Months 1-11

 Stats: I don't have an update here because we haven't been to the Ped in a little while (thanks goodness for a healthy month!). P is in 12 month clothing.

Peyton Caroline,
You have become such an inquisitive little one. Your Daddy and I are amazed at how smart you are, and really enjoy watching you manipulate objects and explore the world around you. You find humor in the strangest things and you have such a BIG personality. I know we still have so much to learn from you. 
We love you bunches,
 Mama and Daddy


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