May 07, 2013

Things I'm Most Afraid Of {Blogging Challenge Day 7}

It's another day for Blog Every Day in May...and it's time to be afraid!

Day 7: The thing(s) you're most afraid of

In no particular order...

I don't like spiders, although I've gotten better with them because husband screams like a girl when one goes crawling across the floor. Usually, we call the dog to take care of it.

I am terrified of heights...and I consider a step-stool a 'height'.

I am constantly worried about my family's health...I don't know if this is because I'm a nurse, but I have this looming feeling that something bad is going to happen. It's pretty sad, actually.

I am afraid to have a second child. We plan on it, of course, but the idea of integrating another little one into our lives is overwhelming. Like, even more overwhelming than having the first! Also, P is such a good baby...incredibly easy going most of the time. I know we won't be as lucky with Baby #2.

I am afraid to turn 30. Don't know why.

I'm afraid of not getting it all done. Not necessarily afraid of 'failure' but I feel like I work constantly to keep up with the house, laundry, baby...oh yeah, and a full time job.

What are you afraid of?




  1. Im afraid of heights too ! Same feeling about the footstool! And Im so scared of sickness too!

  2. My husband vowed at our marriage, he'd kill the spiders. He works long hours with the marine corps though, and the worst is when I have to do them alone. yuck i hate them.

  3. Totally with you on the spiders!

  4. Spiders!!! I hate them more than roaches!!!
    I'm def afraid of something happening to my family as well!
