May 30, 2013

A Picture Says a Thousand Words {Blogging Challenge Day 28}

A little treat for the eyes on today's topic for the challenge!

 Day 28: Only pictures
Ok I'm cheating a little...I need some explanation to go along. I have SO many pictures, so I'm choosing (at random) ONE from each album on my computer! Enjoy...
The hubs and me-Senior Prom (from Andi&Ben album)

21st birthday (from Andrea album)

38 weeks pregnant (from Belly Book album)

(from my BLOG album)
Rowen and her litter mates (from my cell phone album)

Me and my Daddy (from the Family album)

The 'Ciwcle' (from Friends album)

Christmas 2012 (from Holidays album)

Our townhouse (from House album)

My sweet sisters (from the Maya & Laurel album)

Engagement photos (from MyLife Engagement album)

Wedding Day! (from MyLife Wedding album)

My precious Junebug (from the Peyton Caroline album)

One of my favorite places (from the UT album)

Cruisin' (from the Vacations album)

Well, wasn't that fun?! Makes me want to get skinny, take a vacation, get married and have another baby all at the same time!


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