May 30, 2013

Dear Friends :Blogging Challenge Day 27}

We're almost there...Day 17 in our Blog Every Day in May challenge!

Day 27: A letter to your readers

To my Faithful Few,
Thanks for sticking around!
I started this blog less than three years ago as a way to keep up with friends and family who live far away. Each time I posted, I became more and more excited about the next post; suddenly, I had so much to say! It's nice to know that people <that's you> follow and actually want to read what I have to say.

As I continue to grow my blog, I am so excited to bring in new topics-advice for parenting, journey in weight loss, my work, P bug, home projects, travel, etc. I always want to know what you want to read!

So let me just say a big THANK YOU for hanging out...please stick around because the best is yet to come!



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