May 19, 2013

Blog Love {Blogging Challenge Day 19}

Today in our challenge, I get to show some blog love!

 Day 19: Five of your favorite blogs and what you love about them.

Kate & Kuby
 An adorable blog written by a childhood friend. Kate showcases some awesome DIY projects on a budget. I am so exited to follow her upcoming adoption journey!

When I need a good laugh, I peruse this blog. The authors post about Pinterest projects gone wrong. Hilarious.

This Cup Overflows
I featured this blog on Day 5, but it stands true that I am always checking in on Ashley! I miss her all the time, so it's nice to keep in touch.

The Rutledge Family
Another college friend and sorority sister of mine, Jessica and I lost touch for a few years, but I have loved getting to know her again through her blog! In watching her manage a house with 3 kiddos, I have picked up quite a few tips!

Six Sisters' Stuff
I absolutely love the recipes from this blog! The categories are easy to navigate-I can click on 'chicken' and find tons of easy, fast and super tasty recipes! I haven't ventured into the craft side of the blog, but I'm sure it's great, too.

Check out some of my favorites and show your love, too!


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