May 19, 2013

Playing Catch Up {Blogging Challenge Days 16, 17, and 18}

More catch up! Check in here to see why I'm behind on our challenge :)

Day 16: Something difficult about your "lot in life" and how you're working to overcome it.
Yikes, this one is difficult! I've been thinking pretty hard on this one! I've had such a blessed life, and if you asked me 10 years ago to picture myself today, I would be right here in this place- a wonderful husband, a great home, and a beautiful daughter. 

Yes, I have difficulties- finances, my weight, lack of decorating skills..but who doesn't have something difficult in life? I'm always working to overcome keeps me on my toes!

Day 17: A favorite photo of yourself and why

Y'all, I'm one of those crazy people that loved being pregnant. I have never felt better about my body image...and I don't know why. Perhaps because I didn't have to worry about 'sucking it in' or maybe it's because I was growing a human inside me! Whatever the reason, I remember feeling great about myself...and this photo captures that happiness!

Day 18: Tell a story from your childhood.

I clearly remember relocating to Alpharetta when I was 9. I was moving away from Memphis, and everything I knew. I had to leave my school, my friends, my extended family, and my home. My sense of comfort was shattered.
I realize this may seem like an incredibly unpleasant childhood memory, and at one time, it was! I was hurt, and actually quite mad at my parents. But I decided that I could either remain miserable, or put some effort towards making a new life. I chose the latter. I made new friends; I started to enjoy my school, neighborhood and home. 
Fortunately, I haven't faced too much heartache in my life, but I know that when I do, I have the strength to overcome!

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