May 24, 2013

Flawed {Blogging Challenge Day 24}

Everyone has flaws...time to learn more about mine on today's Blog Every Day in May challenge.

Day 24: Your top 3 worst traits.

It's really hard to identify my own flaws. Believe me, I know I have them-it's just difficult to sit down and think "What are my worst traits?"

I thought an outsider perspective would work...

Me: "Hey Ben, what do you think my top 3 worst traits are?"
Ben: "I'm not touching that one. You're perfect in every way."

Guess I'm on my own. Here goes nothin'

I am impatient. This has never been more evident than when I got married became a mother. I feel like I have so much to do, and am being pulled in a hundred different directions-I need to get things done and move on! I feel this way at work a lot too-my favorite thing ever is when <as a courtesy> I peek in on a patient to let her know I'm going home, and she asks for help breastfeeding. Really?! Sure...I'll stay an extra 20 minutes to help you-I haven't been away from my family for 13 hours already. Ugh...clearly, I need to work on this!

 I don't communicate well. Ben swears that the most important thing in a marriage is communication. I agree. I'm just not good at it. Particularly if I need help with something. Instead of asking for help, I just deal with things on my own...secretly wondering WHY isn't anyone helping me?! Hmph.

I lack sympathy. Whaaat? Aren't you a nurse? Aren't you supposed to be, always? I am usually sympathetic (or really, empathetic) with my patients, so maybe I use it all up at work. I think some people just irritate me with their sob stories about how their life is unfair, etc. Get over it.

 Wow, there is some brutal honesty for you today.

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