May 23, 2013

What I Know {Blogging Challenge Day 23}

Back for another day of Blog Every Day in May challenge.

Day 23: Things you've learned that school won't teach you.

1. Stack the odds in your favor. I actually gathered this piece of advice from a relative shortly before venturing off to college. Life is certainly unpredictable, but set yourself up for success. It's not guaranteed you will always be successful, but the odds are greater!

2. Be patient. I have learned so much from marriage, motherhood, and life in general about patience. I am still working on it!

3. Learn how to pay bills. I think it's insane that they don't teach these things in school. (Maybe they do, now..?) You have got to learn how to manage a household: Know how to balance a checkbook, pay bills, deal with insurance claims, etc. 

4. Not everyone will like you. This was actually a very hard lesson to learn. I feel like I am a kind person...I can get along with almost anyone! But there are people out there who just won't like you, for no obvious reason. And guess what? That's okay.

5. Remain open-minded. You will meet a variety of people in your life; you will find yourself in a variety of situations. Keep an open mind and you might actually make a new friend or learn something. Imagine that.

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