October 25, 2013

Five on Friday

Wait...didn't we just do this? This week has been a whirlwind and my head is still spinning. And we're just getting started.

ONE. Football. Game.
Can you believe that in all the years I've been a UT fan/attended UT I have NEVER been to an away game?! Honestly, it's always made me nervous to be on enemy turf. And I guess I've just never had the opportunity to go. I'm so excited to be heading to Tuscaloosa this weekend to cheers on our VOLS!

TWO. Modern Medicine
Sounds silly, but I am so thankful for modern medicine this week. We've had an interesting week of a cold, ear infection, a bad fall, and a virus. I love the science behind the meds and the availability we have to it!
THREE. Halloween Costumes
{Squeal} I just can't resist the kiddos dressed in their costumes...it's some kind of torture for them but it's oh so cute! We have a lot of little ones in our neighborhood and I just love seeing them all!

I can't stand it!
FOUR. Babies!
Speaking of the kiddos... we have had a baby boom at work over the past month! We are certainly staying busy. I also have lots of friends and family welcoming new babes into the world! SO exciting :)

FIVE. Jewelry
I'm not one to wear a lot of jewelry, but I love having staple pieces. Being a Mom gives me a great excuse for a classic necklace! I've been perusing lately and I just love this...simple, classy, and I can add on when it's time!

Happy Friday friends!

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