October 31, 2013

Go Vols and Roll Tide

Hey y'all!
It's been another crazy week, and I feel like I'm just spinning my wheels. You know-Those days when you are in constant motion getting things done, yet look around and you haven't even made a dent!

Still, I need some "me" time so I thought I would recap our fun trip to Alabama!

We left Saturday morning to head to Tuscaloosa.

As we neared the town we spotted lots of cars/SUV's decked out in gameday gear. We had so much fun blaring Rocky Top and getting pumped with other UT fans driving by :)

 Our hosts gave us the VIP treatment: watching a band performance, free food at The Quad, excellent seats, and a personal tour of campus!

Our seats-right next to our Pride of the Southland

Gorgeous campus

Even though our boys in orange lost, it was a great trip and a perfect weekend getaway for Mommy & Daddy!

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