November 01, 2013

Five on Friday

Seriously, where has this week gone?!

Here's what I'm loving:

Yep, Amazon-where you can purchase almost anything! I have been creating a 'gift' list for a few months now-as I think of great gift ideas, I just find the item on Amazon and add it to my list! I also have a Family Christmas Wishlist. I hope this will make Christmas shopping easier this year!

TWO. My job
Although we have been super busy lately, I have had so many moments when I feel that I have truly made an impact in my patient's lives. It's not an easy job, but it's so rewarding. I love that I am in a position to truly help people :)

 THREE. Cloth Diapers
I am way overdue for a cloth diaper update, but we are still in the CD and still lovin' it! We had to buy some disposables for our trip out of town last weekend, and I flinched as I paid $12 for diapers I'm just going to toss.

FOUR. Halloween
Duh. What an awesome night where it's ok to dress in ridiculous clothes and eat all the chocolate you want.
Stay tuned for a recap of our Halloween!

FIVE. Weekend Off
Guess what I'm doing this weekend?! NOTHING. No plans. No work, no road trips, no parties. Oh I'm so excited. In reality, I will stay very busy playing catch up, but I desperately need this time at home to get stuff done! I will really enjoy the chance to unwind and play with miss P.

Be sure to link up!

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