May 30, 2014

Five on Friday

Friday, Friday, Friday!!

Although I am working today, I am excited to have this weekend off!

{ONE} Summertiiiiiime!
Yes, I realize the first day of summer isn't officially for another month, but our neighborhood pool is open + school is out = SUMMER!
We spent a couple of hours at the pool last weekend and I can tell already it's going to be great season. Peyton is still a water bug, which makes things way easier :)

{TWO} Party Planning.
I can't believe it, but it's (past) time to begin planning Peyton's second birthday party! We are toning it way down this year with something at home, but I still think it's important to celebrate our sweet girl in style!

{THREE} Wedding Recap.
We had a most amazing time celebrating the marriage of two of our best friends a few weekends ago. I am so ready to complete a full post of the big day...and some photos are finally coming in, so it will be soon, friends! You do not want to miss it-gorgeous couple, gorgeous downtown Atlanta backdrop, and a gorgeous flower girl ;)

 {FOUR} Saying Goodbye.
It's a bittersweet day as I say "goodbye" to my intern at work. Hannah's last day of her internship is today, and it's time for her to venture out on her own. It has been so fun working with this lady over the past few months and I am thrilled she will remain on day shift so we can still work together. I will miss us working so closely, and I will definitely miss the extra help!

{FIVE} Laid Back Weekend.
It's long overdue, for sure. I see some minor house cleaning/projects, pool time, and maybe a nap or two in my future. MUCH NEEDED!

Don't forget to LINK UP

May 22, 2014

Bean Bumpdate: 22 Weeks

The weeks are flying by! I am trying to cherish every moment of this pregnancy because it will soon be over.

22 Weeks:

What's New: Contractions :) Just minor ones-basically my body's way of telling me to slow it down and drink more water!
Those sweet baby kicks have turned into full-on punches and rolls. Loving every one of them!

What's Old: Blood Draws :(
So...during my first pregnancy, I found out I have an anti-M antibody. It's weird, and I won't even try to explain. At this point, it just warrants some extra monitoring. I have been seeing a high risk doctor to keep up with things. During both pregnancies, the antibody was so weak that they couldn't even titer it. This week, we discovered it has become stronger-now a 1:2 ratio. We continue to monitor...and that means more and more needle sticks.

Baby: Size of a Papaya- Sonographer measured 1 pound! Sleeping in cycles-about 12-14 hours daily.
       Gender: Even after all of these extra scans (at the high risk doc) we 
           have still not found out! Be proud :) Heart rate= 150

Belly: I think a growth spurt has occurred this week! I am feeling very 'full' :)
      Craving: Doritos and Lemon Sorbet

May 19, 2014

Mother's Day- How it has Changed!

This was my second year celebrating Mother's Day as a mother, and it still hasn't hit me!
I have always thought of this day as a time to honor my Mom, so it's still strange for anyone to be celebrating me as a Mom!

Ben started our day with some breakfast on our back deck-where he surprised me with some new furniture! I have been putting the bug in his ear about wanting to get our deck set up and he certainly delivered!

We met my family for a late brunch at Olde Blind Dog again this year and enjoyed stuffed french toast, banger omelets , and spicy chicken & biscuits. The non-preggo adults also enjoyed a Bloody Mary.

The kiddo(s) who made me a Momma!

After making our rounds to other family & friends, we spent a wonderful evening on our deck!
I put my feet up and watched Peyton play with her water table and felt Bean play with my bladder ;) Best day!

I hope you all had a wonderful Mother's day celebrating the Mommas in your life (including yourself!)

May 07, 2014

Bean Bumpdate: 20 Weeks

Yikes! We are halfway there and I haven't even begun to prepare for this kiddo. Time to get moving!

20 Weeks:

What's New: Sweet baby kicks. I found out I have an anterior placenta (meaning the placenta is situated on the front of my uterus) so it's harder to feel movement. It's been discouraging, but things have turned around this week and I can feel Bean movin & shakin!
Ben got to feel a kick too!

What's Old: Lots of...umm, pressure. Like this kid is ready to come out already. My doc assured me it's normal and there's no need to worry.

Baby: Size of a banana (10.2 oz and 6.5 inches). Working taste buds and gulping amniotic fluid...yum!

Belly: Growing! I can still fit into a lot of my pre-pregnancy clothes (with some help from the BeBand).
   Craving: Cooler Ranch Doritos (so healthy, right?)

May 02, 2014

Five on Friday

It's Friday again! But I'm loving this Friday more than the last...because I have the weekend off work!

{ONE} Zulily.
I have been searching for a kitchen set for P's birthday and I found THE perfect one on Zulily! I love it...and the price wasn't too bad. Please tell me you've discovered this site.

{TWO} Sleep Easy Sound Conditioner.
We've used a sound machine while P sleeps since she was an infant. I became a little concerned after reading an article about sound machines affecting hearing. After accidentally leaving our machine out of town, I decided it was time to buy the Sleep Easy Sound Conditioner. It has a more natural noise, and it seems to relax P the minute I turn it on. I'm in love.

{THREE} Shredded Chicken.
I put out an SOS on Facebook the other day requesting tips on easily shredding chicken. It may seem silly, but using two forks is way too time consuming for me and I was looking for something quick!
Enter my KitchenAid mixer. 4 chicken breasts, flat beater, 30 seconds
I guarantee you there will be a recipe post with this method in the near future!

{FOUR} Baby Kicks.
Little Bean is finally getting big and strong enough for those little kicks to be recognizable. There is nothing sweeter and NO better feeling in the world, right?

{FIVE} Summer Wreath.
It's almost time to take down the spring wreath and prepare for summer! I am loving this one.

Via Etsy

Link UP!

May 01, 2014

We're Not in Kansas Anymore

Although spring is my favorite time of year, the bad weather that often comes along absolutely terrifies me!

As winter is leaving and summer is around the corner, it's the mix of cool & warm air that makes for magnificent temperatures. And magnificent storms.

Really, I'm ok with the occasional thunderstorm. They can be beautiful.
...Waking every hour during the night to check for tornado warnings is not my idea of beautiful.

As we think about the lives and homes lost recently in Arkansas (and everywhere around the country!) let's take the opportunity to prepare our own home for bad weather.

We all know the basics...low level of house, interior room, away from windows. But I learned quite a bit from reading a few articles about home preparedness and safety tips. Take a could save a life!

Here is a government website with a great checklist for home prep, and what to do before, during, and after a tornado. The American Red Cross is always an excellent source of info.
And if you think you know everything about tornadoes, check out this website regarding tornado myth busters.

 Be safe y'all.