August 08, 2014

It's Friday Y'all

Warning: I am going to whine for a minute. It's been a pretty difficult week.

On Sunday, we began the Three Day Method for potty training. Things were going well, until Peyton woke up Monday morning with a bad cold. I considered postponing potty training, but we had made such great progress on Day One and I didn't want to back-track. So... we pressed on.

I will be writing a detailed post about my thoughts on this method of potty training, so more details to come. Overall, it has gone extremely well! However... a toddler with a cold + a {pregnant} Mommy with a cold + potty training = difficult week. We have been cooped up in the house all week which has really contributed to both of our negative attitudes!
Sleep disruptions for all, boredom, more Mickey Mouse/Dora/books/Kleenex/puzzles than I know what to do with, and everything involved with potty training.....I am SO DONE! :)

OK, whining over.
What I am thankful for:
~An incredibly supportive/helpful/in-tune husband who comes home from work and takes over.
~A new work schedule that has allowed me to be home this week.
~It's Friday, and although I am working for the next 2 nights, I think getting out of the house and away from home drama will give me more perspective.

 My big girl is so proud :)

The look of one sick kiddo

And selfies make her feel better

First polished piggies!

As a parent, I know to expect some difficult weeks, but when my sweet P gives me an unsolicited hug or "I love you Momma" it just makes it alllll worth it!

Happy weekend friends! Let's say a prayer for the hubby this weekend as he will be going solo while I'm at work :)

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