August 04, 2014

Peyton's Big Girl Room: Part One

I am frantically trying to put the final touches on Peyton's big girl room! So far, we have a quilt, a bed, a dresser, and paint on the walls, as well as some decor items and a blackout shade. With that, we thought it was a good time to go ahead and move her in there! Although it's not complete, it is functional.

For now, we have moved the crib right in the new room because I'm just not ready for Peyton to give up crib sleeping yet. So far, she has adjusted well, and is super excited about her room.

My inspiration for the room is a 'bright shabby chic'.  I love this style, but wanted a mixture of bright and soft colors to suit a toddler :)

Peyton's Big Girl Room

The quilt is actually from BuyBuyBaby and I LOVE the colors-such a nice combination and lots to pull from.
We went with Sherwin Williams Retiring Blue on all four walls-a perfect color to compliment the bright quilt, adding a soft touch to the room.

To Do :

-Hang curtains
-Clean out closet and install organizer
-Purchase new light fixture...hopefully a chandelier :)
-Move clothing to new dresser
-Purchase pillow shams
-Shelving & decor items in place

I feel so much better having Peyton in her room! Check back soon for the completed project!

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