January 06, 2015

Birthday Boy: The Big 3-0

We recently celebrated Ben's birthday...it was the big one: 30! (Although if you know Ben, you've heard him claim he's "almost 30" for about 6 years....now he says he's "pushing 40).

I really wanted to have a big celebration for this milestone year, but Ben's wish was to put the party on hold until the spring so we can have a giant pig-pickin'. Since he's really enjoyed barbecuing, he would rather wait for nice weather and celebrate with a whole hog :) Everyone is invited!

So, I settled on a surprise birthday lunch and brewery tour with our closest friends. He had no idea, which made it all even better!

We started our afternoon at Wildflour and enjoyed The. Best. Sandwiches. Seriously, if you're in Alpharetta you must try!
Afterwards, we headed to Jekyll Brewery for some beer and bonding :) This brewery has been operating for just a few years, but they've grown quickly! The tour was funny and informative, the beer was tasty, but the companionship was the best part!

(We were sad Keenan had to work and missed out on the fun)

Brewskies and Connect 4...yes please

It was a nice way to celebrate Ben's 30th, and I am really looking forward to an even bigger party in the spring!

The selfie stick is a must!

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