January 05, 2015

Eliza {Three Months}

Another month of milestones! Here's what our little Liza has been up to!

Three months old
Terrible lighting this month :(

Eating: Still about every 3 hours, with longer stretches at night. Although not on a 'clock' schedule, we have a very nice routine of eat, play, sleep and she's becoming a little more predictable!

Sleeping: Little Bean typically goes to bed around 8:30-9:00, wakes up at 3:30am to eat, then sleeps in until 9:00am. We had 4 nights in a row of 8-12 hours straight, so I'm hoping consistent sleeping through the night is around the corner!

Skills: She is great at manipulating toys (to make them rattle, play music, etc) and has really started to enjoy tummy time! Eliza rolled from tummy to back twice in a row this week :)
Her core strength continues to amaze me as she always seems to be doing crunches!

Happy Times: Most of her day! Bean's new favorite is to "sing-along"...especially 'Let it Go'. I have decided that she's an old man trapped in a baby's body. She loves to eat, is perfectly content just sitting in her chair, and LOVES watching football!

Unhappy Times: We have definitely discovered that overtired Eliza is no fun. She really only stays awake comfortably for 2 hours MAX, and often less. If she doesn't get adequate sleep, she's kind of a bear.


Stats: No doctor visit this month, but according to our home scale, she weighs 14.6 lbs. Quickly outgrowing those 3 month outfits and spends most of the time in 6 month clothing!

Months 1-3

Liza Bean,

Time is so strange as a parent. Part of me feels like you've been in our world forever, but the other part cannot believe you are already 3 months old! I love that with good rest and a full belly, you are pretty much on auto-pilot. I'm learning so much from you about being content in this world :)
We love you sweet girl!

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