January 02, 2015


Every year, Christmas becomes more and more fun as Peyton gets older. I really think she "got it" this year as she had many conversations with us about how fun it is to give (and receive) gifts and the important birthday we were celebrating :)
For me, the best gift ever was being at home with my family. (My maternity leave time barely made it!)

On Christmas Eve, the kiddos and I decorated cookies with my BFF. This tradition has been ongoing for 19 years! Then we went to my parents house to enjoy a delicious dinner and gift exchange.

 Peyton's buddy :)

On Christmas morning, we broke tradition a little and got up at 7:00am (instead of 4:00am) so the minis would be well rested and in good moods! Oh the excitement as Peyton came down the stairs...y'all, there is nothing more precious than a little one on Christmas morning!

Because what kid wouldn't want a slide in the living room?!

Pure joy right here

My favorite gifts under the tree

This is what Eliza thought about it

After some breakfast, we made it to GiGi's house for dinner and more family time!

Snuggles from Great-Grandma Bea

Kiddie. Table. Because cousins are the best!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas spent with family and friends :)

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