February 06, 2015

Five on Friday

Even though I was home with sick babies this week, we made the most of it! Here's what I'm loving this Friday!

{ONE} Good checkups.
Yesterday, I decided to run the kiddos to the Pediatrician to get their ears checked. Especially since this is Eliza's first cold, I wasn't sure how she would do. Good news- both girls have clear ears, noses, and throats and have been diagnosed with: the common cold. So happy for the health of my two babes!

{TWO} Bacon in the Oven.
Y'all...how did I not know about this? I love bacon, but really despise cooking it in the skillet. Making it in the oven is easy and clean! I use this method and it's perfect. Life. Changing.

{THREE} Special Delivery.
That time when the baby is fussy, the toddler is being sassy and there's a knock at the door. Solicitors? Nope...a "just because" flower delivery from the husband. All is well.

{FOUR} Amazon Prime.
For years, I hesitated spending the extra bucks on this premium service. But wow, I am so glad I finally caved and signed on! Two day free shipping? (Plus lots of other perks) Worth every penny.
{FIVE} Jane.com
Have I been living under a rock? I just discovered this awesome site around Christmas and have been racking up on the goodies! This week: adorable printables to finally finish Peyton's big girl room and some precious matching leg warmers for the minis.

**I realize that # 4 and # 5 make me seem like a shopaholic, but that is definitely not the case! I just love a good deal!

Link up :)

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