February 04, 2015

Yes, I'm a Germaphobe. And I'm ok with that.

I'm a self-proclaimed germaphobe. I'm not sure if it's my OCD tendencies or the nurse in me. It's probably a combination of both, because nurses....aren't we all a little bit OCD?

Things got way worse once kiddos arrived. No, we don't live in a bubble. We go out and enjoy life. We go outside when it's cold and windy. We go places- even germy places. I know my kids need to be exposed to germs to develop a healthy immune system.
But we DO practice good hand hygiene. Yes, I'm that Mom who is wiping down the restaurant table, highchair, grocery cart, and any other surface my child(ren) might come in contact with. I have hand sanitizer bottles everywhere. I add apple cider vinegar to juice, and raw honey to oatmeal. And do you know why?

 Exhibit A
Despite my best efforts, some germs slipped past us. Not bad, considering it's been 6 months since our last cold. Now we've entered the world of saline spray, vapor rub, and humidifiers. Because guess what? You can't give cold medicine to children under 6 years old. How are they supposed to get through the day and actually sleep at night when they can't breathe?!

Which leads us to...
Exhibit B
Yup, our second victim. Welcome to 20 minute naps and waking every hour at night. Not to mention how absolutely pitiful my babies are. They just don't feel good.

I get it- a cold is definitely not the worst illness out there. In fact, I would take this one over any others. And I know that part of childhood and parenthood involves dealing with illness. We definitely can't escape it.
But if hand washing, sanitizing surfaces, and homeopathic remedies decrease the frequency of illness, then it's worth it to me.
And if anyone gives me a hard time about it, you are welcome to come over and spend the night with us ; )

 One Tired Mama

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