November 05, 2015

Eliza's First Birthday Party

For Eliza's first birthday, I wanted to incorporate a fall theme. We always have a fun time at the fair, so I knew this was the way to go. Honestly, this was my favorite party theme to date!
The rain was pouring down in buckets, but it was nothing that a giant tent over the driveway couldn't fix. Everyone really had a great time and didn't even notice the bad weather.
I will let the pictures tell the story... :)

This popcorn was a hit!

I went to the local antique store and found lots of fun decor items for the party. My favorites were the old coke bottles and a large wooden coke crate.

We served Corn Dogs, Soft Pretzels, Popcorn, Fruit on a Stick, and Mini Pies (blueberry, cherry, apply, and peach). I loved this menu full of munchies! 
Instead of plates, I used boats and it was a perfect touch to this rustic affair.

This red basket is another antique store find

That's right-you're seeing over 50 homemade mini pies!

We served lemonade, sweet tea and pink lemonade juice boxes. Oh, and adult beverages. Always adult beverages. I borrowed this stand, and it fit perfectly with the theme!

Mason jars are a must

Eliza's smash cake that resembled a pie....ahhhhh!

A photo collage of our big girl

And the most important part of any party? Spending time with family and friends!

The craft table was a hit...and necessary!

Cake time :)


Opening gifts lasted for about 30 seconds, but we are constantly overwhelmed at the generosity of our friends. Little Bean is one loved and spoiled baby!

Thank you to everyone who came to celebrate Eliza's birthday!

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