November 06, 2015

Five on Friday

Things I'm loving this Friday!

{ONE} Family Photos.
We are way overdue for some family photos, and this time they will be BIG! All of husband's brothers and their kids will be in town for Thanksgiving (the first time the cousins will be together) so pictures are a must. Color scheme is planned, but I could use some help on how to distract and get good pictures of 9 kids (ages 1-7)!

Loving this navy and mustard!

{TWO} Monkey Joe's.
Y'all...I am thankful for jumpy places right now. The rain hasn't stopped for 2 weeks, and it looks like it's not letting up any time soon. Between the rain and the upcoming cold, I need this place to help my kids burn off some energy!

Look at that smile!

{THREE} Walking Dead.
I didn't want to start watching it, but husband convinced me. I didn't want to love it, but I couldn't help it. Somehow I've ended up halfway through season 5 (no, I'm not caught up so no spoilers please!) and I can't. stop.

{FOUR} Nutritional Cleansing.
As a follow up to this post, I have to tell you that my nutritional cleansing program has been better than I ever could have expected! I have lost weight, gained energy and feel great! I am learning so much about how important cellular cleansing is-everyone should do it. You will thank me.

{FIVE} Toddler.
Here she comes! Eliza has been building up the confidence to walk and pretty soon, she will take off! She's taking 5 steps and getting really brave. Growing girl :)

Until next time, friends! Enjoy your weekend!

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