November 09, 2015

You've Got a Friend in Me

Halloween is always a big deal at our house! This year, we really made it a neighborhood affair. We hosted a sort of "open house" and served chili, baked potatoes and all the toppings! Neighbors brought some "Mummy Dogs" and "Pumpkin Oranges" for the kiddos.

Some of the neighborhood kiddos! We joked that this was our preview of Prom someday ;)

We love dressing as a family!

Just a sample of what our neighborhood looks like! The streets are filled with trick-or-treaters.

Neighborhood friends

It's hard to see, but Ben and Peyton had pull-strings as part of their costumes!

After trick-or-treating, we enjoyed sitting around the firepit watching our Tennessee VOLS!
It was a great time with lots of family and friends!

November 06, 2015

Five on Friday

Things I'm loving this Friday!

{ONE} Family Photos.
We are way overdue for some family photos, and this time they will be BIG! All of husband's brothers and their kids will be in town for Thanksgiving (the first time the cousins will be together) so pictures are a must. Color scheme is planned, but I could use some help on how to distract and get good pictures of 9 kids (ages 1-7)!

Loving this navy and mustard!

{TWO} Monkey Joe's.
Y'all...I am thankful for jumpy places right now. The rain hasn't stopped for 2 weeks, and it looks like it's not letting up any time soon. Between the rain and the upcoming cold, I need this place to help my kids burn off some energy!

Look at that smile!

{THREE} Walking Dead.
I didn't want to start watching it, but husband convinced me. I didn't want to love it, but I couldn't help it. Somehow I've ended up halfway through season 5 (no, I'm not caught up so no spoilers please!) and I can't. stop.

{FOUR} Nutritional Cleansing.
As a follow up to this post, I have to tell you that my nutritional cleansing program has been better than I ever could have expected! I have lost weight, gained energy and feel great! I am learning so much about how important cellular cleansing is-everyone should do it. You will thank me.

{FIVE} Toddler.
Here she comes! Eliza has been building up the confidence to walk and pretty soon, she will take off! She's taking 5 steps and getting really brave. Growing girl :)

Until next time, friends! Enjoy your weekend!

November 05, 2015

Eliza's First Birthday Party

For Eliza's first birthday, I wanted to incorporate a fall theme. We always have a fun time at the fair, so I knew this was the way to go. Honestly, this was my favorite party theme to date!
The rain was pouring down in buckets, but it was nothing that a giant tent over the driveway couldn't fix. Everyone really had a great time and didn't even notice the bad weather.
I will let the pictures tell the story... :)

This popcorn was a hit!

I went to the local antique store and found lots of fun decor items for the party. My favorites were the old coke bottles and a large wooden coke crate.

We served Corn Dogs, Soft Pretzels, Popcorn, Fruit on a Stick, and Mini Pies (blueberry, cherry, apply, and peach). I loved this menu full of munchies! 
Instead of plates, I used boats and it was a perfect touch to this rustic affair.

This red basket is another antique store find

That's right-you're seeing over 50 homemade mini pies!

We served lemonade, sweet tea and pink lemonade juice boxes. Oh, and adult beverages. Always adult beverages. I borrowed this stand, and it fit perfectly with the theme!

Mason jars are a must

Eliza's smash cake that resembled a pie....ahhhhh!

A photo collage of our big girl

And the most important part of any party? Spending time with family and friends!

The craft table was a hit...and necessary!

Cake time :)


Opening gifts lasted for about 30 seconds, but we are constantly overwhelmed at the generosity of our friends. Little Bean is one loved and spoiled baby!

Thank you to everyone who came to celebrate Eliza's birthday!

October 20, 2015

Eliza {Twelve Months}

Whew y'all it's been quite a month! Our little stinker is just loving one on one Mama time these days :)
I think it's her gentle reminder that she's not growing up too fast!

12 months old

Eating: This one is serious about her food! She eats almost everything we feed her-3 meals and 2 snacks. She nurses once a day on average and we are slowly weaning :)

Sleeping: Bean wakes up around 6:30 am, still naps in the morning and afternoon, and bedtime is 7pm. She's a great sleeper and I cannot complain here!

Skills: Eliza is still cruising around the house and starting to stand on her own. She will be walking soon, I think! Her babble has become more distinct and recognizable as real words. It's very impressive to watch her manipulation with a toy or object. She is an observer for sure!

Teeth: Still 2 on the bottom and top, but 6 more are breaking through...maybe this is the reason for the clinginess? ;)

Happy Times: Exploring the house and her new toys is entertaining! Spending time with the cat & dog :) Eliza loves to climb and stand on anything she can!

Unhappy Times: This girl has a temper and is not afraid to let you know when she's mad about something you've done-usually in relation to taking something away or not feeding her fast enough!

Stats: 19 lbs 5 oz and 28.5 inches. Still wearing 12-18 month clothing!


Eliza Cate,
It is so hard to believe that we are here already. Your first year flew by and of course it makes Mama quite emotional to be writing this post. You are such a cuddly love bug with plenty of sass to keep things interesting! There is no denying you love animals, music, and necklaces. You're not a fan of sharing toys and you have a mind of your own sweet girl. We love you to pieces boo boo!
Momma and Daddy!

September 09, 2015

Eliza {Eleven Months}

Well, our little Bean is one month away from her first birthday! I cannot believe it!

Eleven Months Old

Eating: Little piggy is still nursing 3 times per day. It's one of her favorite things to do :) She eats almost everything we eat. And by 'eats' I mean uses her hand as a shovel to scrape all food items in. Except melon.

Sleeping: Eliza sleeps from about 7pm-6:30am with 2 naps. I have a feeling her morning nap is about to be a thing of the past, which has its pros and cons.


Skills: Still cruising around everywhere...and using chairs, stools, the trashcan etc. as a walker :)
And this child is a monkey! I find her climbing on everything. We are starting to recognize more words- Night Night, cracker, Eliza, Cat, Dog, Book. She has been showing preference for her left hand for a few months now.

Teeth: Two on the bottom and two on the top!

Happy Times: Eliza loves books, music, and animals! She spends most of her days exploring the house and climbing on things. And eating :)

Unhappy Times: Separation anxiety has come back full force. Only with Mommy. Fun times.

Stats: No official height or weight this month. Wearing 12-18 mo clothing still. I think she has hit a plateau for now.

Oh Miss Eliza,
You continue to be a very happy and content long as Mommy is holding you! I know this world is scary, so I understand your need for reassurance. We just love your dance moves, and that contagious smile!
Mama and Daddy