July 05, 2012

Happy Independence Day!

Have I mentioned how much I love Ben's new job? Usually, every year on The 4th of July, he is working a major event at the country club- bounce houses, face painting, FOOD, fireworks...the whole bit!
This year...we got to attend this event and *enjoy* the fireworks! Amazing! It was great to see some of Ben's old coworkers too-many of them had not met Peyton yet, so she was doted on quite a bit :)

Happy 4th of July from Peyton!

Poppi came over for a visit (with Aunt Laurel and Aunt Maya)

P was quite the social butterfly before the fireworks, then slept through the whole show!

By the way, I love our MOBY! I will say that sometimes it is a little hot (it's a LOT of fabric) but who isn't hot these days?!
I use it around the house a lot too!

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