July 05, 2012

One Month

I cannot believe my sweet Peyton Caroline is already one month old. Time has flown by, and I know it will continue to gain speed as the months and years go by.
I am so excited to see P learn new things as she grows, but it also makes me so sad to see her getting bigger and maturing. Every day I inspect every little part just so I can [try to] remember how precious her little fingers, lips, nose, etc are. I remind myself that she will never be this little again, and as much as I would LOVE to get a full night of sleep, I need to cherish every moment now!

(Excuse me while I wipe away the tears...)

Right now, Peyton has four phases: Sleeping, Eating, Socializing (about 15-20 minutes after eating) and fussing because she wants to be rocked to sleep.

Monthly picture under the clock :)

We just tried out the playmat today, and she is doing a great job tracking! This is our spare that I intend to keep at my Mom's house. I will get out our fancy one with lots to look at this week!
P is starting to enjoy tummy time! She is getting some practice at holding her head up. I managed to capture this video and I just love it-I think she looks so proud of herself!


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