August 03, 2012

We Heart Cloth

Many of my friends have been asking how the cloth diapering is going. Well, I am happy to report that we are loving it! Yes, it does require a little extra work, but what I have learned is that babies require a lot of work. Since we started using cloth almost right away, we don't know a world without just comes with baby territory!
I have perfected my wash routine and it's pretty much like doing an additional load of laundry.

This is where the dirty diapers go until I wash them-PlanetWise wetbag

First, I remove the microfiber insert from the liner and just throw both parts into the washing machine!
(Breastfed poop doesn't it all goes in the wash!)

My diapers have this 'laundry tab' you Velcro to prevent the diapers from sticking to each other

See? Easy

Then, I run a cold rinse cycle with no detergent.
Then, I run a wash cycle on warm. I use Rockin' Green detergent and I love it!

Then, I hang them on a drying rack!

Next, I stuff 'em. This is probably the most time consuming part of the whole process and it takes about 15 minutes max. I have actually found that stuffing diapers gives me a chance to sit down and watch some TV (read: The Olympics) while still feeling productive!

This is P-bug in her first cloth dipe- 1 1/2 weeks old!

And this is her much has changed!

Do I ever use disposables?! Why, yes I do!
When we are out and about, I have found it easier to use a disposable diaper rather than carrying home a cloth diaper to be washed.

Also, on 'wash days' (about every 3 days) I use disposables for 2 reasons:
1) I need to invest in a third wetbag so I have a clean/dry one while the others are being washed (I throw the bags in with the dipes!)
2) You know how, sometimes, you want to do laundry in the nude just so that all of the laundry in the house is clean?! Well, that is how I feel sometimes on wash days. I want all the diapers to be we turn to disposables for the day!

I will continue to update as Peyton grows bigger and as I invest in different brands of diapers!



  1. I came over from your link on Kawaii's Facebook page. I've been cloth diapering for about 2 months, but didn't start until my baby was 17 months old so I'm a late bloomer. :) I wanted to tell you that I LOVE the Kissaluvs pail liner. It fits in a regular trash can. I bought an inexpensive plastic step-on can for about $15. This works great for not having to fumble to get the diaper in the wetbag and washes with the diapers of course. IF you decide to invest in a 3rd wetbag, I highly recommend giving it a try. It will be especially helpful once your baby gets wiggly and you have your hands full of a dirty diaper and squirmy baby. You can buy the liner on Amazon or my favorite where they have free shipping!

  2. Thanks, Kim! A pail liner might be the way to go!

  3. Hey Andrea, what do you think of the kawaii for newborns?

  4. Corinne,

    The Kawaii Pure and Naturals were my first CD. My daughter wore them at 2 weeks old (she was 7-14 at birth) and she still fits into them now at 7 months and 17 pounds! We just recently started double stuffing because she was leaking through them.
    I will say that the laundry tabs wear out quickly, so my dipes always come out of the wash stuck together, but it's just a minor annoyance. The velcro is still strong on the fastener though!
    Let me know if you have any other questions :)
    I will probably post an update to CD soon
