February 07, 2013

Eight Months

What happened to the last month? I made the mistake of blinking, and now I suddenly have an eight month old. 

8 months old

Eating: We are progressing towards four meals a day with snacks in between. Peyton enjoys pureed sweet potatoes, apples, bananas, avocado, peas and carrots plus cereal. She has really progressed with finger foods, too and loves puffs, blueberries and bananas!

Sleeping: P typically takes 2 naps (1 1/2 hour) daily and sleeps from 8pm-7am. Typically

 I think I'll eat this instead

Teeth: Two on the bottom, and no signs of any to follow.

Favorite Toys: Peyton loves her Fisher Price activity table, and enjoys rolling balls!

 Skills: Peyton continues to excel in fine motor skills. She is perfecting her pincer grasp; she loves to clap, wave, sign 'milk', and point at things. She gives slobbery kisses that are oh so sweet! Her version of crawling is a combination inchworm/army crawl. She loves to 'dance' to music.

I'm done with the pictures, Daddy

Happy Times: Peyton is still a social butterfly, and is usually happy when we are out and about. She loves to eat, and spends most of her playtime practicing crawling. Her best friends: Mommy and Mustang (the cat)

Unhappy Times: Another transitional time: P wants to crawl so badly, and gets frustrated when she can't! 

Too old for one collage :(
Stats: Well...Our home measurements are clearly off because it seems P has lost weight and shrunk 1/2in! So, no updates on weight or height this month. 9 and 12 month clothing.

Oh Peyton,
What do I even say? You have certainly tested my patience this month, but I still enjoy every minute with you.
We love how inquisitive you are, and hope you remain that way. 
We love you!
Mommy and Daddy


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